Wednesday, July 28, 2004

The Rolling Stones Were Wrong...

...time is not on our side.

I find myself in a struggle these days over sleep. I love to sleep the way that any twentysomething does, but it gets in the damned way. I wish I could learn to just not need sleep.

I am so tired of running out of time to do things. Maybe I have way too many things on my list of stuff to do. Does anyone else have this problem...let me know?

Right now I've got about 50 movies lined up that I want to watch, several books I want to read, about four video games I'm dying to play, countless things I'd like to sit down and write, trips that I want to take, and a wife and friends that I don't see often enough.

With all of those things to do you might think that I would get some of them done, but no...I have to go to work for 40 hours per week, spend time working on a correspondence class that I'm taking (not a cool one either), study for an upcoming professional exam, pay the bills, and run a seemingly endless list of stupid errands.

I hate acting like an adult.

I guess that's it for today. I'm going to sleep now.