Friday, January 18, 2008

It's A Boy!!!

We had our week 18 ultrasound this morning. The good news is it's a boy. The great news is he looks healthy. We were able to verify today that:

- the brain looks fine and properly developed (maybe my biggest relief...I didn't know I was so nervous about that until I found out it was ok and the relief washed over me)
- all four chambers of the heart were functioning properly (amazing to watch)
- the spine looks good (so cool to see!)
- no cleft lip
- bones in the thigh and arms looked good
- placenta looked right
- umbilical cord had proper blood flow

Essentially as the doctor said, the risk for developmental disorders drops to about 50% having seen what we were able to see today.

Neither of us had much preference concerning the sex of the baby going into today's appointment. I am glad to have a child to carry on my family name, effectively making me immortal. That's always nice. But I know I would have been thrilled either way.

See below for pictures. I've only got eight right now but will have more later. He gave us some on a disc (the ones I am posting now) and some were printed. I will scan the printed copies tonight, hopefully.

Names we are considering at this point are

- Samuel Allen
- Thomas Luke
- Charles Allen

01 - Thumbsucker
He is completely chilling here, resting on his back. As you can see his hand is all up in his mouth.

I have to be perfectly honest, I have no idea what we're looking at here. I think maybe he was laying on his back and is in the middle of rolling over onto his side, turning away from us.

03 - It's A Boy

04 - It's A Boy
In case you needed clarification.

05 - Skeletor
Skeletor plotting his next attack on He-Man. Skull Mountain not included.

06 - Face
Isn't that a cure little face? I can't wait to do a 4D ultrasound (probably in 12 weeks or so). You can see very detailed features on those.

07 - Spine
Isn't that a cool picture?

08 - Foot on Placenta...He's Hiding
Here he is hiding behind the placenta. You can see his foot resting on top of the placenta. He got a little shy at the end. To his credit the doctor was being pretty intrusive, and I'm not sure he knocked before he just came in and started taking pictures. Like the paparazzi.