Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Old Folks Rock Harder Than Coldplay?

I'm just going to come right out this morning and start ripping off Stereogum, but these two bits are so good that I can't not post them.

First, I have to write this in the hope that Beth will read it because I know she'll lose her potatoes over it. The over the top ridiculous metal band The Eagles of Death Metal opened the first of three scheduled shows for Axl Rose recently and were greeted with "not deafening boos, but lots of grumbling and grousing and ... indifference" from the audience.

When Axl came on stage afterward this is what he had to say:

So how'd you like the PIGEONS OF SHIT METAL? Don't worry, that's the last show they're playing with us.

The Pigeons of Shit Metal! That kills me.

And now, brace yourselves for this.

This is the Young at Heart Chorus, a group of individuals who met in an elderly housing project in 1982. The song they are performing originally appeared on the latest Coldplay album titled X&Y. The name of the song is "Fix You", and like the rest of the songs on that album, it isn't bad but I just could never get into it. I still enjoy listening to Coldplay's two previous albums, but this one just never hit me. Well now I've found a version I adore.