How To Disappear Completely
My last two blog posts were so positive and allowed me to relay such good news to you guys that I've decided that I have reached a good point to take a blogging break for a while.
You see, since July 2004 I have been putting off studying for, and taking the Certified Public Accountant's exam. From July 2004 until August 2005, I don't have much excuse for putting it off other than laziness, genreal procrastination, and yes maybe a little bit of fear. From August 2005 until now I've had the excuse of Hurricane Katrina throwing our lives into such a transitional mess that I was able to ignore it.
Now that we have settled down in Lafayette again and I know we will be staying here for a long time, I have no excuse anymore.
Probably for the next year I am going to throw myself head first into studying, taking, and hopefully passing the exam. This means I probably won't be blogging much. I may still pop in from time to time to share news that I feel is important to share. If you call on the phone or try to reach me via chat and I don't answer, it will probably be because at that exact moment I am chained in a room somewhere with a book, forcing myself to study.
So, I hope you will all join me once again when blogging does resume, but I can't say when that will be at this point. It may take some time.
The good news is I only have to take this test once and then I am a CPA for the rest of my life.
Wish me luck guys.