Exciting New Changes
Two exciting new changes have occured over in the sidebar.
First, if you'll notice Ed will now be home (free of the Army's clutches) in less than one year. As I write this the counter reads: 364 Days, 05 Hours, 16 Minutes, 43 Seconds. Stay safe Ed.
Second, I have added a new link to the "Never Take Sides Against the Family" links category. It is a new blog by the name of Salt Makers. Here is the author's description of the site:
Dear Friends,
You are cordially invited to view and contribute to the latest collaborative effort of Misters Scott and Zachary Sonnier, The Salt Makers.
The Salt Makers is a discussion forum, open to any and all, to discuss the topics of politics, pop culture and any other items of interest. You are invited to contribute to any discussion by responding to a post by any of our members, or by posting to the blog yourself. You may simply post a link to a news item you find of particular interest, or regale us with your opinion on the current farming techniques of Indo-China.
To become a contributing member, simply send a message to the site administrator at scott.sonnier[at]gmail.com.
All opinions are welcome, as are any disagreements. The purpose of this forum is to promote discord and discontent through rigorous debate.
"Debate and divergence of views can only enrich our history and culture." -Ibrahim Babangida
Thank you,
The Salt Makers Team