Wednesday, January 26, 2005

This Is So Sad

I just realized that I haven't watched the news since November 4, 2004. This isn't the result of some sort of personal protest or anything, I think I just burned out on current events after the election and all.

I have absolutely no idea what is going on in the country or the world at large right now. This is not like me at all....oh yeah, it's pathetic too.

Normally, I try to watch Headline News for at least 30 minutes every day. I don't particularly care for Headline News, but at least it allows me to see that there is this thing going on in the world right now, and now I know that it's out there. If I want more detailed and accurate information, I go to any number of other news sources for further research. Sometimes I try to read the newspaper, or online news sites too.

But I haven't done that in three months! The only newsworthy thing I've even been aware of recently was the Asian earthquake. I did watch the news when that happened, but how could you not?

It's almost like I've taken a three month vacation from reality because all I've done in the last three months is read a lot, and watch movies. I guess I need to step out of my bubble and rejoin the world at large eh?